domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Reflections for "Camp Justice" by Jeffrey Toobin

Discussions are what people use to change things and to get peoples ideas on how to change something. They discus about the situation and give their ideas to it so that the final solution is one that the greater amount of people agree on. Also it is a way for everybody to know that it was a fair decision. Changing things is always a hard thing to do and asking other peoples opinions to help them is what most people do. They talk with each other to finalize the situation and to come to an agreement. Getting to that agreement is also something that is hard. Obviously many people have their own ideas about something and they all want it to go their way so not many people let the other person win with the discussion. What people do is try to include everyone’s thought in the agreement but that is also very hard to do. This is why discussions can sometimes go on for a long period of time according to the importance of the situation.

In “Camp Justice”, Political parties are trying to get to an agreement about were they are going to put the prisoners of Guantanamo after they close it. In Guantanamo, they have many areas like Camp X-ray and Camp Delta. In these places they have different Camps were they keep different type of people. Some are the ones that carry useful information, others are “High Value” to them, and some are dangerous and so on. All these Camps have a very bad environment in which they do not treat the prisoners how it is expected in the US. They think that since the Camps are not in the US, they can treat them how they want. In the camps there are many prisoners that people thought it was at best to keep them their, they are many. This is why the question is: What will they do with all the prisoners once they decide to close Guantanamo? This question is a very hard one to answer and that is why the government is trying to make answers with discussions. I think that it is a very hard matter to discuss because many people have many different ideas about it. It is something that might be very important to discuss and very hard to include everyone’s ideas. One idea that was used was to use a national-security court. At the end they still do not have an answer to the question after all the discussions that they have. So one question I have is: When will they finally have the solution to this problem?

Discussion is something that also is present in my family a lot. Something that we do to try to keep the family more united (it works) is by resolving problems as a family. This involves discussions with all of us and finding a solution all together. This is something that we have been using in our family as long as I can remember so it is something that everyone is used to. If I could, I would even tell other people about our method and show them how useful it is to discuss all together. Not only does this keep us united, but it also help us remember that whenever we have a problem, we can talk to anybody from the family and be able to trust the family. This shows that discussions aren’t just useful to use in the government but also in families and everything else; it helps reach good solutions by listening to everyone’s ideas and in the end find the correct solution.

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